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Ace Frehley's book NO REGRETS compared to KISS & Tell

Post by GordonGebert »

Thank you Ace Frehley for vindicating (confirming the truth) in the KISS & Tell book.

Read Ace's book "No Regrets" then read "KISS & Tell (New Special Edition)" - The truth is there to see! :yes:

The New Special Edition KISS & Tell book is available at Amazon

http://www.amazon.com/Kiss-Tell-NEW-SPE ... 329&sr=8-1

It's also available in e-book KINDLE

http://www.amazon.com/KISS-Tell-New-Spe ... 329&sr=8-2

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Re: Ace Frehley's book NO REGRETS compared to KISS & Tell

Post by Knucklepuck »

uhh, like OK n stuff.

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Re: Ace Frehley's book NO REGRETS compared to KISS & Tell

Post by Starchild41 »

I just finished reading No Regrets. The book was entertaining three quarters through. But when he started going into all of these various drug related stories, it just made the whole book nose dive. It goes without saying that Ace is a conflicted personality. He sure expects and demands much from his band mates and friends. But he can never apply that same standard to himself. What's fascinating is how he seems to covet some of the most idiotic mistakes in his life as if they are a measure of character or "toughness". Sorry Ace. Your anything but. And he seems to lack any remorse or accountability for the people that he has hurt both emotionally and physically along the way. We have a guy here who joined a gang so he wouldn't get beat up; Considers a nostalgia trip walking by a hobby store and sniffing glue; and doesn't seem to find any downside to lying nonstop to family and friends about his drug problem. You would think after a while common sense would wake you up to the futility of this life style. But for Ace that probably won't happen until he's taking his last breath. Here's a guy who BELIEVES his own press. That is a sad commentary for a fella that has so many fans whom likely wouldn't be if they knew how little regard he truly shows those around him. :no:

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Re: Ace Frehley's book NO REGRETS compared to KISS & Tell

Post by Cheffe »

I still have to read the book.
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Re: Ace Frehley's book NO REGRETS compared to KISS & Tell

Post by Knucklepuck »

i got the book for Christmas but havent read it yet. I was really hoping it would be mostly about their creativity in the very beginning and how they came up with various ideas. What impact Bill Aucoin and Sean Denaey really had on the original presentation. Views on how their songs were written. How the stage show and album covers came about. I would love to read about all the hard work they put in and how they felt during that struggling period.

I dont want to read about how rotten a drunk and druggie he was. I dont want to read about how my hero spaceman is really a childish fool.

Like I said....I have not read it yet but am hopeful.

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Re: Ace Frehley's book NO REGRETS compared to KISS & Tell

Post by Starchild41 »

Well I have read this book and what I said above is what he talked about. I didn't go into the book expecting to come out feeling like this. Ace put all of that in his book. Early on in his life, you can excuse his excesses. And even during his KISS years I think there's a general feeling that he was this guy who was trying not to end up dead like his friends, and then one day, by sheer dumb luck, he became a star virtually overnight. He wasn't equipped to handle it because there was nothing in his life that suggested he should ever reach that kind of attention. So he sought out his addictions to deal with it like he did everything else. Paul and Gene essentially covered for his excesses, gave him more dignity than he ever sought out for himself, and had to listen to him cry about how they didn't do enough even though he couldn't hardly remember anything from those years. So even...EVEN if you can forgive or excuse him through all that. Here he is now talking about those stories plus all of the problems he had after he left the band. And it never really seem to end. For every screw up, he never reflects on it with anymore wisdom than to say he got lucky. Then he would go out and do it again!!!! :spion: For the people he hurt, his only thought was, "Well he could have sued me, but I guess he felt sorry for me." Or " I could have killed him but we managed to get through it to party another day." Once again. You can possibly give him a pass for feeling that way in his youth and being essentially a dumb kid with more money than sense. But not long years after all that and still laughing about it and continuing to make those same mistakes. Yes he is an addict. And once an addict always an addict. But this guy celebrates it. And almost complains about the times when he was running out of pain killers and needed to lie to his family or friends to get more. He just never acts like perhaps he should have been figuring out this was no way to live. It's really a sad commentary on his character, or lack thereof. I really wished I hadn't read it. I knew he had a screw loose through most of his life. But I never expected him to celebrate his mistakes like he needed time to do more. That is just pathetic. My advice to Ace fans - If you have a favorable opinion of him, DON'T READ THIS BOOK. I didn't expect greatness from this guy. And I didn't expect him to have a politically correct commentary about his past that suggested he had a phoney shame about it to sell his book. But NEVER did I think the guy would celebrate some of the dumbest things he's ever done and virtually give people a "how to" lesson on how to achieve it themselves. The guy is scary. :tztz:
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Re: Ace Frehley's book NO REGRETS compared to KISS & Tell

Post by Knucklepuck »

Starchild41, is there any info about early KISS and their struggle and creative efforts? os is all about his excesses and excuses?

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Re: Ace Frehley's book NO REGRETS compared to KISS & Tell

Post by Starchild41 »

If your looking for the artistic perspective of KISS during the early years, your not going to find much here. Much of it is just anecdotal in nature. He points out how they would play for virtually nobody early on. And how cold it was touring in Canada, etc, etc. He talked about how they essentially only lived off $35.00 a week (each) until Alive came out.

There are a few stories that are funny like Gene contracting crabs and giving it to everyone when they threw their costumes into one chest. He admits he had nothing to do with creating the Detroit Rock City guitar solo. He credited Bob Ezrin and Paul Stanley for composing that. He didn't get along with Bob because Bob wanted him to play the same thing twice. And because he wasn't really a 'student' of the guitar, he had a hard time doing that. Destroyer is when he started doing hard drugs more so than booze. And sadly this book is more about him justifying his use of drugs and booze than anything having to do with himself as a guitarist. There are a few bits about his work with Kramer on his KISS solo record that were interesting, but not all that detailed either. And he covers very briefly how he liked singing on his back because it relaxed him. But Ace explains more of what his state of mind was during each step of his career in KISS. He talks about how he walked off the set of Phantom after he waited all day to start shooting and they said they wouldn't need him until later that evening. He claims that alot of the Elder was recorded in his studio in Connecticut, which I don't believe. I know Ace did his guitar pieces from his studio, but did very little directly with the band. So that's not accurate. But as far as there being any great insight into the band, I would say there was not much. It was more about their personalities in the band and how they roughed it early on. It's pretty apparent that he wasn't involved in many decisions that went into what the band did creatively. He showed up for the gigs, but wanted credit for what everyone else was doing in the studio while he was passed out. He definitely likes the attention KISS fans give him and likes to take credit where the fans feel he should have it, whether he deserves it or not. So this book illustrated to me just how much he rides off the backs of fan perception, rather than the reality of any great body of work he applied himself to.

You'll probably find some of his KISS stories interesting. Their fun to read, if for no reason other than to listen to him tell them. But the stories grow thin after you hear him say, for like the thirtieth time, how he almost got himself or someone else killed during a party after a concert or during times when he should have been recording with the band but just said, "F*ck it" and went on a drug binge. Stuff like that really gets to you after a while, especially if your looking for words of wisdom from Ace "the artist". The truth is his ASSOCIATION with KISS saved his life more so than his participation. His rep really came from what he did on stage. His studio contribution is really pretty limited outside of what he is asked to play.

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Re: Ace Frehley's book NO REGRETS compared to KISS & Tell

Post by Knucklepuck »

awesome response Starchild41. I think you and me are looking for the same thing and you didnt find it there. I will scan the book and take out of it what I can, but sounds like mostly a dissappoinment.

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Re: Ace Frehley's book NO REGRETS compared to KISS & Tell

Post by Starchild41 »

I think the most absurd part of the book is when he actually wants to 'make it clear' that he is NOT trying to say anything AGAINST taking drugs or alcohol. :spion: Uhm... yeah. Figured that part out...ACE. His opinion is pretty much 'to each his own'. Which I think is pretty damn irresponsible enlight of the crazy stories he's telling. This guy has an enormous tolerance for potent drugs that would kill most people in the dosages he has taken. And alot of that is due to all of those years of abuse. But he's trying to make it sound like your at a dinner table and maybe you should only eat half your food and skip dessert. He really makes no connection in realizing he is encouraging those under the influence to continue. "Moderation" is the crutch of all addicts. They think they can control it. He even goes so far as to say many people take drugs and alcohol on a "recreational" basis and function quite nicely. :idiot: Nice Ace. Yeah, lets try and understand the bigger picture here besides BALANCE and realize these things destroy your internal organs and shorten your life by leaps and bounds. And lets also not forget most people don't get monetary residuals from record and merchandise sales like he does. He can fund his habit. And he's never worked a real job one day in his life. Most people's lives are destroyed by this addiction. Professionally and personally. And actually if he didn't have KISS money coming in, he would be broke on the streets too. It's not like he makes any real money doing his own thing. It's all KISS related. And where is his wife Jeanette? Exactly. He's a classic addict. He can't see the train wreck for all the devastation around him. That KISS money keeps him in a perpetual state of denial, which he will likely live in until he drops. Very sad individual. :no: Thanks for the insight Ace. Paul and Gene have EVERY RIGHT to call him out the way they do. And actually, in retrospect, I think they have bent over backwards to be kind to him. Never thought I would hear myself say that.
Last edited by Starchild41 on Mon 9. Jan 2012, 14:44, edited 1 time in total.

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