Peter Criss

Peter Criss
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Peter Criss

Mon 17. Jan 2005, 19:12

Posts: 12
Joined: Thu 26. May 2005, 11:47
Location: oceanside, ca.

Post by the_elder_tour » Sun 5. Jun 2005, 02:27

source: ''kiss' alive forever' (text (no- photo)- p. 47):

the- following night [(mar. 20, 1975)]: 'kiss'- did a photo-shoot (in & around- 'max's kansas city' (in- new york)). "there- was a time (there): when they'd throw on- whatever they had (just- to make a costume)," rick munroe- recalls.

(cont'd- next entry...)
Posts: 12
Joined: Thu 26. May 2005, 11:47
Location: oceanside, ca.

Post by the_elder_tour » Sun 5. Jun 2005, 02:30

(cont'd- here...)
"they had- some kind of promotional thing (at- 'max's kansas city'); and- there was no central meeting-place: to- get ready (as everyone- lived out in queens or brooklyn). i offered- my apartment (which- was on 'mcdougal street' (in- the 'village': across- from 'cafe wha?')). they- showed up (in- a limousine), came- into my apartment, &- put their makeup on.

(cont'd- next entry...)
Posts: 12
Joined: Thu 26. May 2005, 11:47
Location: oceanside, ca.

Post by the_elder_tour » Sun 5. Jun 2005, 02:34

(cont'd- here...)
because- the [('hotter-than-hell'-era)] costumes weren't with us: they ended up- going through my closet (to- see: if there was something- they could wear); and: they pulled out- anything they could find. paul- used a velvet cape (that some girl- had left there); and- ace: ended up- using this purple-velvet jumpsuit. (they all- looked pretty ridiculous.)"

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